Typical analysis chain:

  1. Raw Data.

The raw data, which are already converted to .slcio files, provide input for analysis run. The analysis run consequently deals with a set of objects:

1. Pulses (obtained using pre-defined threshold and noise cuts)

2. Hits (group pulses together, and find centre of hit based on Pad Response Function (aka PRF) ).

3. Corrected Hits (time of hit is precisely calculated with some fit).

4. Tracks are found (hits are fed into an algorithm that groups hits together into a “track candidate”; usually this will also fit the track, but the parameters are considered rough).

5. Tracks are fit (the hits from the track candidates are fed into an algorithm that assumes they belong to a track, and calculates the accurate parameters that correspond to that track).

6. Resolution is calculated (from the output of step 5).