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The basics things about MarlinTPC and ILC software

ILC software local repository is installed at:


One can find any folders in that directory which contains main parts of ILC software.

Marlin is a general purpose modular analysis C++ framework. It uses the LCIO data model and can be used for all tasks that involve processing of LCIO files, e.g. reconstruction and analysis.

A good place to start reading about old good basics about Marlin you can find here:


MarlinTPC is a part of ILC software specifically related to ILC TPC.

Marlin executes a list of processors in the order and with the parameters the user specify into a steering file.

Steering files are written in XML and even they are supposed to be human readable. To create, modify and fix steering files, use MarlinGUI.

To process your steering file you just have to type: Marlin my­steer­file.xml

LCIO (Linear Collider I/O) is a persistency framework and event data model for LC detector studies. It is intended to be used in both simulation studies and analysis frameworks. It provides a C++ and a Java implementation with a common interface (API) - a Fortran interface to the C++ implementation also exists.

ILC TPC test beam data binary files are written as .acq type of files. The .acq needed to be converted to .slcio type of files, before used in data analysis processing. See more details about LCIO here:

AIDA (Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis) is an acronym of the AIDA project (, which helps to define abstract interfaces for common physics analysis objects, such as histograms, ntuples, fitters, IO etc.. The adoption of these interfaces makes it easier for physicists to use different tools without having to learn new interfaces or change all of their code. Additional benefits will be interoperability of AIDA compliant applications (for example by making it possible for applications to exchange analysis objects via XML). in ILC analysis framework, RAIDA, which is ROOT implementation of AIDA is used to create and fill n-tuple or histograms using standard ROOT objects with AIDA. All ROOT objects created with AIDA are stored in a ROOT file.

marlintpc_basics.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/25 22:19 by rashid